Saturday, April 17, 2010

Painted Cliffs

From Puerto Ballandra, we motored around the north end of Isla Carmen to hook up with our friends Dennis and Lisette on Windward. We found them in a lovely and isolated anchorage called "Painted Cliffs". Luckily Dennis warned us over the radio of some dangerously shallow rocks to avoid. In the picture, Mark has snorkeled over to one of the rocks and is standing only about knee-deep in the water!

Other than the hazardous rocks, it was a beautiful anchorage, with dolphins swimming right around the boats and plentiful fish life. Vicki and I even saw some female dorados while snorkeling in the cove - a highly unusual sighting of these beautiful pelagic fish!

Vicki and I did a long and arduous hike up to a nearby ridge, in hopes of seeing the mountain sheep that live here. We saw plenty of sign and followed some nice sheep trails, but never did see or even hear the sheep.

We capped a long day with dinner in the cockpit. This is some of the nicest weather we have had on the entire trip.

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